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Graph Pattern Notation

Graph pattern railroad diagram Graph pattern railroad diagram, a comma-separated list of PatternElement

About Notation

The GraphRAG pattern catalog uses a graph notation to describe logical graph structures called patterns that are composed of nodes, relationships and subjects.

PatternElement is a Node, Relationship or Subject PatternElement is a Node, Relationship or Subject


Node is delimted by parentheses Node is delimted by parentheses

Nodes are individual records in a graph.


  • a single node identified as a


  • a single node labeled as a Thing


  • single node with two labels

(a:Thing {k:"v"})

  • labeled node with a record defining property k to be "v"

(a:Thing {k::string})

  • record declaring k to be a string, but with an undefined value

(a:Thing {x@"meta"})

  • record with metadata about property x
  • metadata is extra information


Relationship starts with a node, then an arrow followed by a Path Relationship starts with a Node, then an Arrow followed by a Path Arrow looks like an arrow Arrow looks like an arrow Path is either a node or a Relationship (which starts with a Node) Path is either a node or a Relationship (which starts with a Node)

Relationships pair two nodes, a ‘from’ and a ‘to’ node.


  • a relationship from a to b labeled as :KNOWS

(a)-[:KNOWS {confidence:0.8}]

  • a relationship with a record


Subject is surrounded by square brackets Subject is delimted by square brackets

Subjects compose multiple graph elements.


  • subject about itself
  • equivalent: (a)

[a | i]

  • subject about another element, an “annotation”
  • equivalent: (a)-->(i)

[a | i,j,k]

  • a subject about 3 other elements, like set-builder notation
  • equivalent: (a)-->(i), (a)-->(j), (a)-->(k)

[a |:R| i,j,k]

  • a subject about 3 other elements, like set-builder notation
  • equivalent: (a)-[:R]->(i), (a)-[:R]->(j), (a)-[:R]->(k)

[a:R -> i,j]

  • a subject composing 2 elements into a sequence, a relationship
  • equivalent: (i)-[:a:R]->(j)

[a:R {k:"v"} -> i,j,k]

  • a subject composing 3 elements into a sequence, a described path
  • equivalent: (i)-[a:R {k:"v"}]->(j)-[a:R {k:"v"}]->(k)

[:R {seq:1...} --> i,j,i,k]

  • a described path with an applied range value
  • equivalent: (i)-[:R {seq:1}]->(j)-[:R {seq:2}]->(i)-[:R {seq:3}]->(k)

[a:R {k:"v"} |-> i,j,k]

  • a subject about 3 elements, which are in a sequence
  • equivalent: (:a:R {k:"v"}), (a)-->(i), (a)-->(j), (a)-->(k), (i)-[a:R]->(j)-[a:R]->(k)

Further reading